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WYXR CPB Compliance

Crosstown Radio Partnership Inc., a 501(c)(3)  (CRP) operates under the name WYXR 91.7FM and provides this information to ensure adherence to the regulations of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This information also aims to provide transparency and information to the public regarding business matters.

Open Meetings

CRP provides 7-day advance notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors, board committees and Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) in on-air announcements. Documentation of on-air announcements, for the purposes of a CPB audit, can be found in our station on-air logs.

Next board meeting is Tuesday, September 23rd 2024 at 3:30 p.m. in the WYXR Offices - 1350 Concourse Avenue Suite 206 Memphis, TN 38104.

Closed Meetings

CRP makes available to the public the specific reasons for closing a board meeting for executive session. This information will be posted on this webpage after the next board meeting.

Donor Information

CRP does not share its donor information with any non-affiliated third party, for any purpose.

Station Staff

Names and info for station staff are listed on the Staff page on this website, accessible here.

Community Advisory Board

The WYXR Community Advisory Board is a mandatory requirement for grant funding received from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) at WYXR. The CAB is responsible for reviewing WYXR's mission, priorities, and impact on the communities it serves, and providing feedback and guidance to the Board of Directors.

You can find the Bylaws of the Community Advisory Board here.

Members of the CAB are appointed by the Board of Directors and serve one-year terms that can be renewed. The CAB members are chosen to ensure geographic and demographic diversity. The CAB meets quarterly or as needed, in conjunction with the Board of Directors' annual strategic plan review and budget planning process.

The current CAB members at WYXR are Anne Pitts, Chris Rohling and Ron Simmons.

Next CAB Meeting is Tuesday, December 17th 2024 at 5 p.m. in the WYXR Offices - 1350 Concourse Avenue Suite 206 Memphis, TN 38104.

To apply for the CAB, please use the application form available here.

Board of Directors

Ms. Pat Mitchell Worley - Director/President

Dr. Todd Richardson - Director/Chairperson

Dr. Ryan Fisher - Director/Secretary

Mr. Eric Barnes - Director/Treasurer

Mr. Jeff Cohran - Director

Ms. Courtney Blanchard - Director

Ms. Isabel Whitaker - Director

Mr. Casey Shannon - Director

Financial Information

CRP's most recent 2023 Audited Financial Statement (AFS) is available here.

CRP's (WYXR-FM) 2023 Annual Financial Report (AFR) to CPB is available here.

Community Representation Statement Statement

CRP is committed to using radio as an active resource for community development and public access. We seek to involve and establish cooperative efforts among community groups including seniors, women, young people, and ethnic and cultural minorities. We welcome volunteers and staff from all demographics, sexual orientations and viewpoints, so that we can effectively and compassionately represent our listening community.

View our extended community representation statement here.

Local Content & Service Report

CRP's most recent 2024 Local Content & Service Report is available here.

Last updated 4/24/2024

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